lördag 31 januari 2009

Last nights party...

... took place inside of this:

Yes. It's a bus. A party bus!
Noko Jeans organized the whole thing, throwing a big closing party for Fashion week. We were on the decks whilst the bus roamed around Stockholm city picking up people that wanted to join in.

The principle was BYO and people were litterally hanging from the ceiling! Yeah, it was pretty awesome.


onsdag 21 januari 2009

Home sweet home

I touched down less than a week ago and was greeted by this stunning view. The 50 degree temperature difference was a bit of a slap in the face, but I can't help but love the cold winters we get over here.

We've had a total blast in Aus, no doubt about it. Watch out for our come back! We will be returning for sure. In the mean time our good friends from Eurotrash will be down rocking it out in Europe during the spring. Bring it on!

So, what is up next for us? Well, we have some stuff in the works. Besides producing, gigs are being lined up not only around Sweden but also in the rest of Europe. Stay tuned for more updates!
